LADIES: For All You Inspired And Passionate Coaches, Speakers, And Service Providers Who Are Looking to Level Up Your Business Game And Achieve A Record-Breaking Year!

“Build A Wildly Successful 
Coaching Business That You Love…
By Discovering How To Ignite Your
Power, Prestige, And Profits!”

Register Now For The Online Event Of The Year…

‘Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches’
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Let Me Show You How To Build The Business Of Your Dreams…WITHOUT The Struggle, Frustration, And Overwhelm
So You Can…
Let Me Show You How To Build The Business Of Your Dreams…WITHOUT The Struggle, Frustration, And Overwhelm
So You Can…
Achieve The Lifestyle,  You’ve Worked So Hard For And Deserve!
Hurry! This Event WILL Sell Out!
When You Attend This Special Online Event,
You’ll Get Everything You Need To…
  • Stand in your POWER with confidence and pride so you can attract your ideal clients and audience
  • Create irresistible and magnetic PRESTIGE and authority as an influencer
  • Use the energy of THE 3 P’s to design the business and life of your dreams
  • Nudge you gently out of ‘stuck’ and into the prosperous flow
  • And Soooo Much More!
THREE Full Days Of Leveling Up And Taking Your Passion
To A Place You’ve Only Imagined!
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Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness

Dear Sis...
For the past couple of years, I’ve been hearing from a lot of wonderful coaches, speakers, product creators, and service providers about the challenges of getting from where you are right now in your business to where you want to be.

And this applies to having more impact, more income, more freedom, and WAY more happiness in your life.
There’s been some common ‘themes’ among my students and some of my female colleagues when it comes to their business. So before I go any further, I’d like to ask you…
Are you:
There’s been some common ‘themes’ among my students and some of my female colleagues when it comes to their business. So before I go any further, I’d like to ask you…
Are you:
  • Overwhelmed with all the ‘stuff’ you have to do just to get by?
  • Frustrated by clients who say they  ‘can’t afford' your services?
  • Feeling like you often doubt yourself and your talents?
  • Constantly wondering when your business is going to ‘take off?’
  • Feeling a bit lost about the direction you want to go in?
  • Unable to figure out how to grow your business faster and generate more income?
  • ​Looking to make a bigger impact with your coaching, speaking, or services you provide?
  • ​Find it hard to say ‘no’ and set healthy boundaries?
  • ​Always giving, giving, giving until you feel like there’s nothing left to give?
  • ​Surviving in your business…but not THRIVING?
If you checked any of the boxes above, 
then we need to talk.
Build Your Business From the Inside Out
First, I know how you feel. I know exactly what you’re going through and how these thoughts and struggles can wear you down and make you feel exhausted…and cause you to doubt yourself and your abilities.

Because I’ve been where you are now. And, ladies, it’s not fun.

The good news is, you already have a business. You’re WAY ahead of the game.
You take great pride in what you do. You’re passionate about what you do.
You know in your heart and soul that what you do for others can change lives on a much greater scale.
Everything you need to level up and create wild success is already in you. 
It’s flowing through every cell of your body, just waiting to be unleashed.
All you have to do is ‘flip the switch’ so you can tap into your Power, your Prestige, and your Profits.
Which is exactly what I show you how to do when you join me and your sister Superstars for…..
‘Business Mastery Blueprint
For Coaches’
An Exclusive Event Created Just For Women
Looking For Unbridled Success
You CAN have it all, you know…

…Without the headaches, without ‘losing yourself’ in the process, without draining the tank every time you take on a client.

When I was a divorced mom with kids, I recall what it’s like to have a life out of balance, where everyone and everything is pulling at you from all directions.

You feel like life and everyone demands your attention at every waking moment…and you have to say ‘YES’ to everything.

Then add a BUSINESS you want to grow and scale on top of that…you just want to scream!

I’m going to take you by the ‘virtual shoulders’ and say to you…
“All of that ends RIGHT NOW.”

Because what you’re going to experience over 3 days is going to feel completely liberating.

You’ll feel energized and inspired in your business, in your life, and in your body.

Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness

Power. Prestige. Profits.
Here’s What You Can Expect 
This entire Business Mastery Blueprint is designed to fit YOUR rhythm and YOUR needs…
And to support you in creating a highly profitable business that you LOVE!

(How does six figures sound?)
During our 3 days together, I’m going to show you how to:
  • Present yourself as the expert so clients and customers flock to you
  • Market like a Queen…with a message that compels and excites
  • Eliminate the distractions and ‘noise’ that keep you from growing
  • Offload time-sucking tasks so you can focus on your GREATNESS
  • Make price irrelevant…and get customers to say ‘yes’ to your offer
  • ​Cut your coaching time in half and have your clients be twice as happy
  • ​Create programs and products that your audience can’t wait to buy
  • Enroll your first and next client WITHOUT ‘selling’ or feeling ‘icky’
  • Feel confident without the self-doubt or second-guessing yourself
  • Model what’s already working (no need to reinvent the wheel)
  • Vanquish the stress, struggle, and ‘doing it all yourself’ once and for all
  • Become the business powerhouse you’re meant to be
This is just the beginning of what you’re going to get.
Because it gets even better!

I Will Take You By The Hand,
Step By Step, Every Step Of The Way

This isn’t some ‘course’ where you watch some videos and fill out some worksheets and you’re left all on your own to figure it out. Hell no!

You’ve been down that desert path before.

I’m going to be right by your side with guiding (but firm) hands on your shoulders pointing you in the direction of SUCCESS.

I”m going to give you a complete paint-by-numbers SYSTEM for taking your amazing coaching talents…

So you can apply it to your program and see stellar results.

No messin’ around, ladies.
I’m ex-military and there’s nothing that makes me crazier than waiting for something to happen. I want results and I want them NOW.

And that’s precisely what you’re going to get! As long as you do what I show you to do, you’ll have no choice but to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself.

So here’s what’s going to happen. During this 3 Day exclusive Zoom event, you’re going to get:

Day 1: 
On Day 1, we’re going to identify that special thing that makes you unique.

Because this is where your power resides.

And once you tap this ‘essence’ and learn how to harness it and apply it to your business, people will be drawn to you like a magnet.

Power is all about standing in your ‘Zone of Greatness,’ where you feel confident, beautiful, strong.

Just think about those special women and people in your life that you admire and are attracted to. Why is that? What is it that draws you toward them?

As a coach and influencer, you have the power to change lives.

You have the power to help your clients see the boundless possibilities before them.

You have the power to guide them on how to seize opportunities for wealth and well-being.

Through your power, you can help them understand their worth and excellence, and inspire them to take responsibility for their own lives.
On Day 1, you’ll discover how to:
  • Communicate clearly so you can attract your dream clients
  • Stand in your POWER with confidence and grace
  • Connect with your audience on a deep, emotional, and soulful level
  • Capture attention like a shining diamond
  • Share your message authentically and confidently
  • Create lasting change in your clients’ lives
  • Step fully and completely into your Power
  • ​Use the ‘5 Power Principles’ for upping your game
  • ​Unleash the Power of Your Unique Message
Day 2: 
Day 2 is all about creating authority and making an indelible mark in your coaching niche.

Prestige is about Quality, Class, and Exclusivity.

And most important of all, it’s about building TRUST.

The reason we focus on creating prestige, authority, and trust is because they are all immensely critical to your success.

Your audience is subconsciously asking these questions when it comes to making a choice and assessing who you are and what you offer:

“Who are you and why should I listen to you?”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Why should I invest my time in you?”

 “Why should I pay attention to you?”

 “Why should I invest my money with you?”

“What’s so special about you?”

“How are you different from all the other coaches?”

“Can you solve my problem, or are you just like all the rest?”

As you can see, how you present and position yourself is a key factor in building a successful business…

And be the coach and mentor they’re looking for.

This is what ensures you stand head and shoulders above everyone else in your market.

And when you do this right, you have no competition.

One more thing. You choose how you want to ‘show up’ each day, so why not be the best ‘you’ you can be?

On Day 2, you’ll discover how to:
  • Build instant authority and prestige
  • Become the trusted advisor your audience WANTS to work with
  • Find your ‘unique voice’ so people pay attention
  • Use your expertise to help get your clients the results they desire
  • Establish yourself as a true Influencer in your market
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Become so good at what you do that people can’t ignore you
  • ​Give your students a reason to stick with you for years
Day 3: 
Day 3 is packed with proven strategies for getting your message to the world and monetizing your business.

It’s about helping you get your coaching business to six and seven figures.

And here’s the biggie: It’s about marketing and sales.

Let me just say this, because I KNOW when you hear the word ‘sales,’ your toes curl and you start gasping for air.

I get it. ‘Selling’ is one of those things that most women have an allergic reaction to. It feels slimy, like you’re selling your soul.

But what if I were to show you a way to actually sell without selling?

This is exactly what happens when you get your messaging dialed in and you have an irresistible coaching offer.
The message and offer do all the heavy lifting for you!

In fact, you’re going to LOVE this NEW WAY of ‘allowing’ clients and customers to buy from you!
Can you feel the shift? Can you feel the difference already?

I’m also going to show you how to RAISE YOUR PRICES without feeling guilty, or feeling like ‘you’re not worth it.’

And you’ll get the tools and frameworks you need to get your message to the world and market your business like a pro.

On Day 3 , you’ll discover how to:
  • Create a highly lucrative coaching business
  • Sell without selling
  • Charge what you’re worth…and get it (guilt-free)
  • Cut through all the ‘noise’ with your marketing and advertising
  • Increase your prices AND have clients happy to pay it
  • Create an offer that compels women to whip out their credit card
  • Pop the ‘price resistance’ bubble to buying your program
  • ​I will show you how I was able to generate consistent, dependable monthly income
  • ​Create a steady stream of clients begging to work with you
  • ​Dial-in your target audience for higher conversions and sales
  • Identify all the things you should not be doing…and outsource them
  • ​Create a message that says, “YES! I want to work with YOU!”
  • Grow and scale your business using a proven simple system
Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness

Dr. Marcea B. Whitaker, MD
Physician & Master Destiny Life Coach

Dr. Marcea helps professional women who are ready to break out of their personal prison so they can discover who they are, decide what they want, and deliver on their destiny. 
“I found Dr. Sonja while building my coaching business and being devastated by a contentious divorce. Through the teaching, strategy, mentorship and “real talk” that Dr. Sonja’s programs provide, I realized I hadn’t fully valued what I was bringing to the table. I had been living under my potential. I had been playing small. I had been stalled in a comfort zone that was far from comfortable. Using Dr. Sonja’s principles and strategic plan, I stepped into my power and now coach hundreds of women, speak on big stages and generate more income in 90 days than I did in the prior 2 years of my business! I have also been featured in Forbes magazine and am listed as on of the Top 15 Entrepreneurs to Watch by USA Today.

Dr. Shana D. Lewis
Executive Wellness Coach

Dr. Shana is an, Executive Wellness Coach, Mental Health Expert, Best Selling Author & International and TEDx Speaker. As the CEO of SDL Enterprises, she empowers high achieving professional women who are overwhelmed & burned out due to lack of self-care to Refocus, Reset and Restore their lives to a place of abundance. She believes that Selfcare is the New Sexy ™ and helps women globally to fill her cup first and serve others from her overflow!

Before working with Dr. Sonja I always felt like I was on the edge of my business greatness. I was a speaker and a counselor with a 6 figure private counseling practice but I wasn't making the money that equated to the amount of work I was doing in my speaking and coaching business. My income was sporadic and unpredictable. All of my campaigns felt inconsistent and as if pieces of the puzzle were missing. Since working with Dr. Sonja for just about 1 year my business has exploded. Not only am I consistently booking speaking opportunities for pay now but I have also created a coaching program that is working so well that I am globally helping more women than ever before and I've earned over $80,000 in my coaching and speaking business in the last year. And I'm on track to earn 100k before this year is over. This is more money than I made in the 5 years put together prior to working with Dr. Sonja. 

Dr Sonja provided me a road map to follow to build my empire beyond my wildest dreams. Her leadership and proven plan are both effective and strategic. I've had many coaches before in my career but single handedly Dr. Sonja's programs have turned me into a true million dollar brand. I am more confident in my business and have clear messaging now which has translated into national media appearances on television and in magazines as well as hosting international events. The single best decision I ever made personally and professionally was to work with Dr. Sonja Stribling! She has changed my life! 

Dr. Tashina Reeder
Elevation Wellness Coach 

"Elevation Wellness Coach
Dr. Tashina helps women who struggle with insecurities learn scalable ways to build confidence, overcome obstacles, and gain clarity to create a life of love, abundance, and success.

“I was at a place in my life where I was unsure of how to live out my passion in business. I would overthink the “how to’s” of how to grow my business resulting in me feeling hesitant to fully show up to reach the women I wanted to serve. Dr. Sonja taught me how to own my power and build my business from the inside out with my story. She modeled genuine authenticity that was attractive and inspiring. Dr. Sonja equipped me with the tools I needed to build the foundation for my triple threat business as an author, coach, and speaker.

To date, I have published my first book, speaking on international stages, increased my visibility, and increased income in the last 120 days like never before, generating close to $47,000. This new level of confidence landed me an invitation to Trinidad & Tobago to speak and teach on my new book. My life has been changed forever! I’m making SHIFT Happen in my life and business."

LaTarsha Shine, M.B.A.
CEO/Broker PowerHouse Now Academy

LaTarsha helps women real estate agents earning less than six figures and lacking direction to build a highly successful business, become a powerhouse in the industry, and scale to six figures in record time.

Before embarking on the journey with Dr. Sonja, I was running my real estate brokerage in a state of complacency. I really lacked the confidence to tap in my hidden talents and abilities. 

Dr. Sonja’s strategy made it easy to package my life experiences and successes into a profitable coaching and speaking business. In less than one year, I have run into my destiny, tripled my income, and I am coaching real estate agents to do the same. This is life!

Is It Worth It?
I want you to imagine two very different scenarios…
You’re in a virtual Zoom coaching room surrounded by strong, confident, like-minded women who possess the same passionate drive as you…

Coaches who will stop at nothing to reach their goals, to build a successful business dedicated to getting their message and program into the hands of their ideal clients and customers and change lives.

You feel totally supported and loved on your journey. You’re getting exactly what you need to go from stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed to crystal clarity, confident, and inspired.

You’re super excited because in as little as a few weeks, you’re attracting your dream clients who happily pay what you charge without resistance.

They listen to what you have to say and teach; they devour your content with enthusiasm; and in fact, they can’t get enough of you!

Your entire business and life has taken on a whole new look, feel, and rhythm. You’re more relaxed. The tension in your neck and shoulders has melted away. You go to sleep at night satisfied, fulfilled, and dreamy…

…and wake up brimming with energy and sparkle and a big smile on your face. Because you can’t wait to dive in and start your day!

This is the business and life you’ve created with the help of Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches. And you don’t want it to stop!

And then there’s OPTION TWO:

The option where you could do it all alone.

But we both know that this option stinks, doesn’t it?

Why? Because it’s just more of what you’re probably doing now…

Spinning out of control, wasting precious time, trying stuff and getting nowhere, wondering WHY things aren’t changing or getting better.
You’re feeling tired, losing faith, doubting yourself and your abilities…

That crushing sense of “What am I doing? Why even bother?”

May I make a suggestion?

Save yourself the heartache.

Spend 3 Days with me at Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches.

You’ll get exactly what you need and everything I promised to help you take your business to all new heights. And you’ll be among women who are going through what you’re going through…

When you join this LIVE masterclass training, you’ll never feel alone again.

Because this is your tribe. This is where you belong.

By now, I’m sure you’re asking…
So, Dr. Sonja, How Much Does Business Mastery Blueprint Cost?
Great question. If we were to meet in person for a LIVE event, BMB would easily cost $1497 for a ticket.

That wouldn’t even include the $3,000 minimum you’d have to spend in airfare, hotel, food, and expenses, or the 5 days of total travel. That’s a total of $4,497.

I want to make attending this online 3-Day Masterclass a complete and total no-brainer for you.

This won’t cost you anywhere near $4,497 (even though, as I’m sure you’d agree, it’s worth every penny).

Nor will I ask you to pay half that, or $997, or even $497.

I want to make it impossible for you to say ‘no.’

Because I’m committed to seeing you succeed.

Which is why your very small investment to attend the Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches is only $97.

That’s it. Just $97.

Plus, as a businesswoman, since this is a business expense, you could potentially write this off as tax deductible (talk to your tax professional)…

ONLY $97

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness
My 100% No Hassle
Money Back Guarantee
My 100% No Hassle
Money Back Guarantee
I’m going to make this a REAL EASY DECISION for you.

Spend three days with me as I take you through the Business Mastery Blueprint masterclass.

If you feel that the event and all that you received…

All the Power, Prestige, and Profit content, strategies, systems, frameworks, and insider secrets wasn’t worth 10 times what you’re paying…

I’ll refund every cent.

If you feel that what I promised wasn’t true and just a bunch of hype, I’ll refund the entire $97. No questions asked.

I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I’m willing to take on all the risk.

All I ask is that you show up for the entire three days so that I can prove to you, giving you my ‘all,’ that what you’re getting will completely transform your business and your life.

Simple as that.

For Serious Business Women ONLY
I’ll be quite honest with you…

This program is not for dabblers or ‘hobbyists.’

If you’re thinking ‘oh, I’ll try this and see what happens,’ then please pass on this opportunity.

One of the first things you’ll learn in this 3 Day Mastery program is that your offer or your coaching program is not for everybody.


I know what I just said might ruffle some feathers. You’re thinking,
“But everybody would benefit from my program! It’s amazing!”

I want you to hear me, because this is really important, especially when it comes to attracting people you WANT to work with.

Not everybody is a ‘fit,’ and not everybody is a ‘great client.’

Here’s what I mean.

It’s like leaving the front door of your home open and allowing EVERYONE to come in.

Is that what you want? To me, that’s pure chaos. It’s like herding cats.
Nothing gets done, hardly anyone has a good time, and nobody really benefits from that type of environment.

OR…do you want to invite the RIGHT people into your home…

People of like-mind, similar ambition and drive, women who are passionate and on fire and will do ANYTHING to be the best in their field…
And will stop at nothing to attain it?

That’s who I want to attract, who I want ‘sitting at the dinner table.’

If who I just described is you, then YOU are the right person for the Business Mastery Blueprint.

YOU are that woman warrior who’s ready to notch it up and take your business AND your life to heights you’ve imagined but haven’t yet achieved.

You started your business as a coach, speaker, service provider, or thought leader because you’re a ‘take-charge,’ no messin’ around kinda woman.

You want the control, the power, and the freedom that running your own business gives you. You answer to no one but YOU. This is YOUR business. Your show, your baby.

When there’s a challenge, you find the answer. When there’s a roadblock, you hop an earthmover and plow right through it. It’s that simple. Maybe a few tears and a tiny tantrum along the way, but there’s never an excuse for NOT doing what needs to be done.

Remember, you don’t have to DO IT ALL every moment of every day. You don’t have to carry the entire load.

It’s time to STOP trying to figure it out all on your own. As a high achiever, it’s natural that you want to do it all. But by now, I’m sure you’ve found that it’s exhausting and stressful, isn’t it?

Maybe you’re thinking…

“There’s got to be a better way, a smarter way, an easier way to realize my vision and create a super successful business.”

I’m here to tell you, “YES, there is a better, smarter, and easier way.”
Let me take you there. Let me be your guide.

Let me show you HOW to get to that next level. Click the button below and reserve your spot now.
Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae."
Get 3 Full Days Of Coaching, Hands On Training, & Happiness
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae."
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae."
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae."
what if people paid you big this year?
Meet Dr. Sonja 
Founder, CEO of P3 University
  • Certified Life & Business Strategist and Master High-Performance Coach
  • ​​Former TV Host on Bravo Network and featured on Fox, NBC, Bloomberg, CNN Forbes and USA Today
  • Retired Army Major, recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Keynote speaker, and Influence Expert known as the "General to Giants"
  • Best-Selling 2X Author of The Divorce That Saved My Life and Shift Pain Into Power
  • National Speaker for the Think & Grow Rich The Legacy World Tour

No Excuses.

Sign up now. 
Because the chances of it happening down the road…let’s face it…are pretty slim.
Look, there’s a ton of reasons you might have for saying, 
“I’ll do the next one” or “I don’t have time.”
But if you think about…because you’re so busy and life gets in the way…
There really won’t be a next time.
The ‘next time’ will become the next ‘next time’…and so on and so on.
Do what it takes and COMMIT NOW. This is about YOU. You deserve this.
Block off the time to attend the Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches

Here's What To Do Next

To get started, simply click the button. 

You’ll be taken to the next page to fill in your information. It’s that simple.

I can’t wait to see you at the event…and then hear about your AMAZING SUCCESS!

Dr. Sonja 

This is your defining moment.
The decision is now.
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
P.S. Did you just skip to the end of the letter to see what you get? I’m grinning, because I do the same thing :) 
Here’s the deal when you attend the virtual Business Mastery Blueprint For Coaches
This event was specifically created for strong, powerful women like you who are searching and yearning to build and grow an impactful and successful coaching business.
This 3 Day Event includes everything you need to get started on the journey. I’m going to show you how to ignite your Power, Prestige, and Profits. You’ll walk away with a complete SYSTEM for growing your coaching practice.
Total value: $4,497. Your investment: Only $97. Register NOW.
If you feel you didn’t get 10X what you paid at the end of the three days, I’ll send you a full refund. No questions asked. 
Sound fair? Perfect! Let’s do this!
Copyright DR. SONJA 2022. All rights reserved.